Ancient and Medieval Warfare

Clifford Rogers, United States Military Academy

HI370 is devoted to the military history-- broadly conceived--- of the ancient and medieval periods in Europe (and, secondarily, the Middle East), from the dawn of recorded history to the mid-fifteenth century AD.  It is not, however, merely an extension backwards in time of HI 301/302.  Although it deals with the history of the military art over that period (i.e. with developments in strategy, tactics, weaponry, etc.), it is equally concerned with “war and society” issues:  how various military systems have affected and been affected by the societies of which they are a part.  In addition, this course is intended as a workshop in historical methodology, in which you will have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of primary sources and compare what you get out of them with what professional historians have taken from the same materials.  Even if you do not plan to be a historian, this will provide you with an excellent opportunity to hone your critical thinking skills.


ROBERTS, Mary Louise: Gender, Sex, and War in the European Twentieth Century


TRAUSCHWEIZER, Ingo: American Military History