Our Goal

Given the recent public lament that academia is destroying military history, it seemed a good time to consolidate some information about the strength of military history, broadly defined, in our universities and to offer those of us who teach it some additional resources and sense of community.

Our Sponsors

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The Center for Military, War, and Society Studies (CMWSS) facilitates essential conversations about – and with – the U.S. military, holding national or international symposia that bring together scholars, policy makers, and members of the armed forces. It fosters research on the U.S. military on the KU campus and beyond, supporting scholarship that examines the military not only as an instrument of national defense but also as a central institution in American society. It also supports "War and Society" scholarship, asking how changing social and cultural factors help to shape military institutions and affect ways of waging war, how warfare and conflict affect the broader society, economy, and culture of the United States and other nations, and how war and the military are understood and represented in American life.


The K-State Institute for Military History works with faculty, students, community members, and military partners to expand the study of warfare. The Institute uses interdisciplinary approaches to bridge the gap between the battlefields and home fronts by embracing diverse understandings of the history and practice of war and military organizations. 

Project Organizers

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Beth Bailey

Director, Center for Military, War, and Society Studies

Foundation Distinguished Professor
University of Kansas


Marjorie Galelli

Assistant Professor, History Department

Associate Director of the Insitute for Military History

Kansas State University


Amy Rutenberg

Editor K-12 section

Associate Professor of History and Co-Coordinator, Secondary Social Studies Education Program, Iowa State University