Graduate Syllabi
If you are looking for inspiration for your next graduate military history course, you will find sample syllabi below covering topics ranging from war and society to operational art. While many have been taught at civilian universities, several come from PME curricula.
You can also send us your own syllabi to complete our collection.

ABEL, Jonathan: War and Social Change: The Military Revolution

ADAMS, Kevin: The Lens of War

ALLISON, Bill: Readings in European History

BAILEY, Beth: War, Military and Society

FOGARTY, Richard: Violence, War, and Empire in the 19th and 20th Centuries

FOGARTY, Richard: War, Society, and Culture

FOGARTY, Richard: War and Gender

HERRERA, Rick: Evolutions of Operational Art

MUEHLBAUER, Matthew: The Military Revolution and the State

MUEHLBAUER, Matthew: Military Historiography

NAGEL, Amanda: The United States and Empire in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

NAGEL, Amanda: Remaking Citizenship Through Warfare

Naval War College: Strategy and Policy Course

Naval War College: Strategy and War Course

NEIBERG, Michael: Strategy and Strategic Thinking in the First World War

PRESTON, Andrew: War and Society in Modern American History

RIOTTO, Angela: Race and Gender in U.S. Military History

TRAUSCHWEIZER, Ingo: American Military History

TRAUSCHWEIZER, Ingo: Cold War Military History

TRAUSCHWEIZER, Ingo: The United States in the Vietnam War

TRAUSCHWEIZER, Ingo: War, Violence, and Modernity

VENABLE, Heather: War Stories: Experience of Combat

VUIC, Kara: The United States in the World Wars

VUIC, Kara: The Vietnam War

VUIC, Kara: War, Conflict, and Society in Twentieth Century America

WEAVER, Michael: Vietnam War History